
Comedy In My Super High Heels

I am inspired to share with you my catastrophe in super high heels at the weekend. It was a perfectly normal  (not so warm) Friday evening. I get to London Victoria and try to make my way onto the London underground. I am in Victoria Beckham style skyscrapper heels. I manage to cross the road perfectly fine. I get to the other side of the road,I feel the pavement is not leveled so I am paying attention to my every step. I then get slightly distracted in my stride by a very polite gentleman coming from Bristol who wants some directions. I'll call this gentleman Superman. I decided to show Superman the place he was asking about since I was walking towards that direction anyway. As I'm walking down with Superman I find myself loosing balance on the unleveled pavement.Thanks to my agility I grab hold of Superman's shoulder. I use so much force that I unintentionally pull Superman's coat off his freezing body. Needless to say with Superman's coat in my hand I survive the embarrassment of touching the pavement.

Fast forward to Monday, my weekend is over, I'm ready to head out of town. I only carried an overnight bag with a couple of outfit changes and one pair of heels and flip flops, hence I am in the same VB heels again. I make my way onto the underground away from the dangerous pavements. As I make my way to the platform I find myself with an audience and my hands on the floor. This time it looks like my luck in my floral heels has run out. With much humility I pull myself back up and gather my belongings.With my style radar hanging on the line and for health and safety I decide to get my feet in flip flops. I did this at the earliest possible opportunity away from my audience who were obviously stunned but not suprised why this happened. It wasn't flip flop weather, put it that way.

There is so much to learn from this. Hope you have learnt something out of my fashion over matter experience. Would love to hear your feedback. The moral of the experience is..................................
My super 12" high heel

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